Setting Your Financial Priorities
Setting financial priorities is a critical component of your overall financial plan. Fortunately, there are no complicated mathematical calculations involved in determining financial priorities, and deciding what to prioritize is relatively simple. Start With the Basics As the economy continues to experience turbulence and unpredictability, it is prudent to first consider the basics — the routine day-to-day expenses that we all have — when setting your financial priorities. Basics are the very essential things you…
Make Debt Work for You
Debt does not have to be a negative thing, especially if it is used to increase your opportunities in the future. There are a number of loan types that allow you to profit from the money that you have borrowed, as long as you treat it like an investment. Making smart choices with your money allows you to take on debt, pay it off and then indefinitely profit from the risk that you have taken. Mortgage…
Valentine’s Day Gift-Giving on a Budget
When it comes to Valentine’s Day, in some ways having a lot of money makes it easier to express your love for your significant other in the form of a gift, as it provides you with the ability to simply go to a nearby store, choose from a wide range of differently priced options, and purchase what looks like an appropriate present. For the majority of us who are of more modest means, however, the…