Bank or Credit Union: Which Is Better for You?
If you are trying to choose between a bank and a credit union, you should closely look at the basic details of each. What works for one person may not work for another, which is why both types of financial institutions abound. Learn here how to tell which of these may be best for you. Rates In most cases, you can get the best interest rates at a credit union you belong to. This is…
How to Use Electronic Bill Pay and Why It Makes Sense
Are you writing out checks or making phone calls each month to pay all of your bills? Did you know that most banks and credit unions now offer you a way to log into your account through their website and pay all of your bills directly through that site? “Electronic bill pay” is the term for paying your bills online. If you aren’t yet using this service, there are several reasons to start doing so…
How to Size Up Credit Unions
If you are planning to join a credit union, you should do the necessary footwork to find the best one in your area. You may know how credit unions compare to banks, but not be aware of how to compare one credit union to another. Here are some things you can do to help yourself choose the right financial institution for you: Make a List of the Credit Unions You Are Eligible to Join You…