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Distraught Young Couple With Bills

Filled under: Debt, Education Center

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The Best Ways to Build Credit If You Have None

College Student

Filled under: Credit, Education Center

When you are looking to make your financial future brighter, you must find smart ways to build credit. If you currently have little or no credit to speak of, you should follow some simple credit-building strategies to start yourself off on the right foot. Seek Help From a Relative The first thing you can do is gain authorized use of a relative’s credit card account. This method is especially useful if you are a student…

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The Benefits of Paying Off Your Loan on Time

Man Handing Out Cash

Filled under: Education Center, Finances

So you’ve taken out a loan of some kind — auto, home, student or perhaps something smaller such as a personal loan. Many people are going to suggest you pay that loan off as quickly as possible. And there are some advantages to following that advice. But are there different benefits to paying a loan off right on time rather than early? There most certainly are, and they include the following: 1. You can strengthen…

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